Logo wxSmithKWIC


This add-on uses the KOAN wxIndustrialControls (KWIC) and adds a number of useful controls to wxSmith's palette. They include:

The meters display output from another source. The regulators can be manipulated with the mouse to provide input to your application.

I updated the KWIC package to run under wxWidgets 2.8.10. I also fixed some bugs and inconsistencies, cleaned up the code a lot and omitted some code not related to the controls. The complete original package can be found at the KOAN web site.

This snapshot of the KWIC test application shows the controls.

KWIC Test Application

KWIC Test Application

The add-on is provided as source code, which can be compiled along with the other Code::Blocks contrib plug-ins. The source complies with the standard plug-in layout and paths and should be placed in \src\plugins\contrib in the Code:Blocks source distribution, obtained from SVN. The other packages are also delivered as source code but you can build those wherever you please. Code::Blocks projects are provided for compilation. Makefiles, etc. are not currently provided but I am happy to accept contributions if someone creates them and would like to have them included in the package.

XML resource handlers are provided for all controls to allow their use in XRC resources.

There are three packages available from the download page or SVN:


The wxSmith add-on.


If you want to check out the add-on directly into \src\plugins\contrib use this one.


The KOAN package and test application, updated for wxWidgets 2.8.10.



The KOAN test application rewritten using wxSmithKWIC and a demo. application showing some other possible uses/styles for the controls.



You can check out all three packages at once using:


You will then need to move the add-on directory to \src\plugins\contrib in Code::Blocks' source tree.


Click for more images




18 September 2010

Known Bugs

To Do